October SHPNA Board Meeting Highlights

We held a great meeting with a full agenda on October 27th. Please find below the highlights including information from our guest speakers and upcoming non SHPNA but informational community meetings. Guest Speakers 1. Recording of Susan Ellenberg webinar. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/nvx62vpmuePpTbmfLvawebHCz403zhO7xMyLxxsHQ8G4sPmM8ZicCm_-STejhIpU.IopSiFd1QXJnopDB. Passcode: iX*XuW$7  2. Trace Elementary School is participating in Read more…

2021 SHPNA Annual Meeting

This year our annual neighborhood association meeting was held virtually. If you missed the meeting or want to find out more about the vast amount of information presented, the following links should help. 1. Recording of the Annual Neighborhood MeetingPasscode: 0haD.@w6 2. S/HPNA Presidents slideshow 3. S/HPNA is launching The Alameda Safely Social Read more…