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  • Great presentation given by Linden Skjeie – City of San Jose Environmental Services, on how to Recycling Right!  More hints and tips to follow.
  • Update from D6 Council office on 3 upcoming community meetings on the City Budget and 2 PRNS volunteer events at the Municipal Rose Garden and Cahill Park in May. All the links to events are below.
  • Update from State Senator Dave Cortese on his work in Sacramento.
  • Update on the efforts to build on the success of Alameda Business Association’s work to revitalizing the Alameda through the recent SafelySocialSJ and Visit the Alameda initiatives.
  • Demo of our new website, to be launched in May!  Watch this space.

Full meeting minutes to follow and we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on Wednesday the 26th of May!

SHPNA President – Helen Chapman

Here are all the details for upcoming meetings and projects you can get involved in.

Community Budget Meetings

The City is hosting a series of a community budget meetings. For more information about the meetings and the City’s budget process, please visit www.sjmayor.org/budget or call Julian Lake at (408) 843-6335.

All three meetings will have Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation available. 

PRNS Park Volunteer Events

Other Neighborhood Meetings

  • Affordable Housing Siting Policy Community Meeting – Monday, May 3rd, 2021 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Supervisor Ellenberg (D4) Community Connects virtual call on Thursday, May 13, 2021. Link to Info