Welcome to the Shasta Hanchett Park Neighborhood Association (SHPNA). We are a 501(c)(4) non profit volunteer membership organization made of residents of the Shasta/Hanchett Park, St. Leo’s, Garden Alameda, and Cahill Park neighborhoods in San Jose, California.
Our mission is to enhance the our neighborhood community by promoting programs and activities that develop a sense of community and foster civic involvement for the betterment of this diverse community.
The Association shall strive to:
- Preserve and enhance the physical and aesthetic environment within the Community;
- Maintain and improve property values and a sense of pride and identity in the Community; and
- Serve as a mechanism for communication and advocacy within the Community and beyond.
Area we cover
SHPNA represents the interests of member residents and businesses within the following boundaries:
- Dana Avenue at Naglee Avenue northeast to The Alameda, continuing up Taylor Street to Stockton
- Stockton Avenue southeast to the S&P Railroad (near San José Arena), then south down the rail lines to Park Avenue
- The S&P Railroad lines at Park Avenue west to Race Street
- Race Street and West San Carlos west to Hester Avenue
- West San Carlos and Hester Avenue north to Hester Avenue and Dana Avenue

Check out our Neighborhoods page to find our more about the four neighborhoods within our boundaries that make up our association – Shasta/Hanchett Park, St. Leo’s, Garden Alameda, and Cahill Park.
Become a Member
Being a Member is a great way of getting involved and finding out what is going on in your community.
Dues are $20 per year for an annual membership for an individual, family or household. $50 for a 3 year membership. Dues are NOT required to participate in any meetings or functions.
Your membership dues will be used to support our neighborhood programs and events, to cover administrative costs for general meetings and more.
To sign up or find out more please email president@shpna.org .
Request for website visitor assistance!
If you find any incorrect links, pages not working, outdated information or have information you think should be added. Please let us know at contactus@shpna.org so we can keep the website up to date and relevant for our community!