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This year our annual neighborhood association meeting was held virtually. If you missed the meeting or want to find out more about the vast amount of information presented, the following links should help.

1. Recording of the Annual Neighborhood Meeting
Passcode: 0haD.@w6

2. S/HPNA Presidents slideshow

3. S/HPNA is launching The Alameda Safely Social Survey and would like to get your perspective on the current status of The Alameda businesses. (Survey closed)

4. Planing and Land Use slideshow

5. The following are links that our presenters left in the meeting chat:

Assemblymember Evan Low
Official Website: https://a28.asmdc.org
Email: Assemblymember.Low@assembly.ca.govStaff
Email: Juliana.Park@asm.ca.gov
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Evan_Low
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Assemblymemberlow
Instagram: @aimhighgetlow
A small biz grant program: https://careliefgrant.com/?fbclid=IwAR0Ju6w15wBXQt4mtq-m7ZZnMoA2XLhn-reF72VToKr0LGWmEb1RPR3Ie1g
CA Rent Relief (landlords & tenants): https://landlordtenant.dre.ca.gov/
Unclaimed Property: https://www.sco.ca.gov/upd_msg.html
SCC vaccination resources: https://vax.sccgov.org/home

Councilmember Dev Davis
Google Project Information: https://www.diridonsj.org
Sign up for D6 Newsletter:https://www.sjd6.org/newsletters
Urban Greening Implementation Plan: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4759569&GUID=5428C98B-C5E8-4B50-8440-3223A3813D4E&Options=&Search=Contact 
District 6 Council Office: district6@sanjoseca.gov
Facebook: @DevdavisCA

Supervisor Susan Ellenberg
D4 Year in Review: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/d4/news-media/Pages/2020-Year-in-Review.aspx
Sign up for the D4 newsletter: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001ZtV-oKe9vHGFwnShwYYIn5uZuENRyIeUSOBMmeNJUUe5KGnBJtF_uaZiMP_EeyxhZ_xzQhLBPuKw3fUoDb4DpgIhx2WEad0DDsjKGfC5U7w%3D

State Senator Dave Cortese
2105 S. Bascom Avenue Suite 154, Campbell, CA  95008
Phone: (408) 558-1295
Official Website: sd15.senate.ca.gov
Email: Senator.Cortese@sen.ca.gov
Staff Email: Celeste.Walker@sen.ca.gov
Twitter: twitter.com/SenDaveCortese
Facebook: www.facebook.com/davecortesegov
Instagram: www.instagram.com/senatordavecortese/

SJPD Captain Paul Joseph
Karina Dominguez is attending from Crime Prevention Specialist from the Western Division at SJPD. She encourages our community to contact us at Karina.dominguez@sanjoseca.gov to schedule a virtual neighborhood watch.

San Jose Unified School District
Lenzen Site Report