SHPNA invites you to attend an Access and Mobility Plan Informational meeting (Wednesday June 23rd 2021 6pm)

Hi All SHPNA invites you to attend an Access and Mobility Plan Informational meeting (Wednesday June 23rd 2021 6pm) Transportation causes 63% of San José’s carbon dioxide emissions. Re-envisioning how we get around is the single most impactful thing we can do to address climate change impacts and improve quality Read more…

Reminder of City Council Meeting on the 25th of May 2021 to consider Google’s Downtown West development project, the City’s Amended Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP)

Message from Jacky Morales-Ferrand Director, Housing Department, City of San José On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, the San José City Council will consider approval of Google’s Downtown West development project (including a Development Agreement with funding for community benefits), the City’s Amended Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP), and the Diridon Affordable Housing Read more…

Update on the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan (Google Project) and General Plan Amendment amending the Diridon Station Area Plan and Conforming Rezoning Projects from the SHPNA Planning and Land Use Committee

Update 25th of April 2021 Two community meetings have been held; the 14th of April SAAG Meeting and the 17th of April Community Meeting. Report back from the SHPNA Planning and Land Use Committee due at the next SHPNA monthly board meeting 28th of April.  In the meantime see our Read more…

Architectural Styles in San Jose

Individual building features are important to the character of San Jose. The mass and scale, form, materials and architectural details of the buildings are the elements that distinguish one architectural style from another, or even older neighborhoods from newer developments. This article presents an overview of those important elements of Read more…