Message from Jacky Morales-Ferrand Director, Housing Department, City of San José
On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, the San José City Council will consider approval of Google’s Downtown West development project (including a Development Agreement with funding for community benefits), the City’s Amended Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP), and the Diridon Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (AHIP).
Materials for each of the items can be found on the Diridon SJ website, the Housing Department website, or on the City’s Legislative Agenda page.
The Downtown West project will be heard first (item 10.2), followed by the amended DSAP (item 10.3) and the Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (item 8.1). Items 10.3 and 8.1 will be heard concurrently. These items are scheduled to be heard after 6:00pm.
There will be Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation available at the meeting, and public comments can be submitted in advance to the City Clerk ( prior to the City Council meeting.
Kind Regards – SHPNA Board