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Environmental Leadership Development Project (ELDP)
Application Certification

File Nos.: GP19-009, PDC19-039, and PD19-029
Project Title: Downtown West Mixed-Use Project
APN/Location: See Description at www.sanjoseca.gov/GoogleProject
Project Sponsor: Google LLC

On December 30, 2019, Governor Newsom certified the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan (Google project) as an Environmental Leadership Development Project under AB 900. A public notice of this certification was issued by the City of San José on January 8, 2020 by electronic mail and publication in The Mercury News, in addition to distributing the notice via certified mail to those who requested to receive notice.

Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21184(b)(2), on January 27, 2020, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee of the California Legislature concurred with Governor Newsom’s certification. The attached notice serves to inform the public of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s concurrence. This public notice will also be posted on February 6, 2020 in and around the Google Project site.

Refer to the attached public notice provided in compliance with AB 900 requirements. [Attachment]

Shannon Hill, Planner
Planning, Building & Code Enforcement | Environmental Review Section
City of San José | 200 East Santa Clara Street
Shannon.Hill@sanjoseca.gov| (408) 535 – 7872