Project: Diridon Station Area
Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan Virtual Town Hall
The following link is a presentation of the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan Virtual Town Hall that was held on November 15, 2019.
The following link is a presentation of the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan Virtual Town Hall that was held on November 15, 2019.
Below is a link to the flyer that summarizes the Development Proposal Google submitted In October, 2019. [Google Flyer]
Recently S/HPNA joined a coalition of neighborhoods called DANG (Diridon Area Neighborhood Group). DANG’s sole focus is to ensure our neighborhoods that are impacted by the Google development have a seat at the table. The following link is a video from Valley Politics that highlights DANG [video]
The following links are to the September 25th candidate form for City of San Jose District 6 seat and California Senate District 15. San Jose City Council District 6 Candidates CA Senate District 15 Candidates
Attached please find the comment letter from the Shasta / Hanchett Park Neighborhood Association (S/HPNA), regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed 615 Stockton Avenue Hotel Project. [Link to Letter]
At the August S/HPNA Board Meeting there was a presentation from Mercedes Benz on their autonomous vehicle program. Soon they will be starting a pilot program from Diridon Station to Santana Row. The following link will take you to the presentation.
Attached are the meeting notes from the April 16, 2019. [Meeting notes link]
San José is updating its citywide bike plan to make the City a better place to ride a bike. Called the San José Better Bike Plan 2025, this new plan will help us to decide how we invest in bicycling to transform our communities into places where bicycling is a Read more…
S/HPNA had it’s annual meeting on February 2, 2019. If you missed it click here to see the highlights.
For those of you that weren’t at the S/HPNA annual meeting during the first quarter this year, I’d like to repeat information from Deputy Chief Mark Bustillos about reporting crime and activity in the neighborhood. If the event you’re experiencing is urgent or has the potential to be life threatening, Read more…