San José is updating its citywide bike plan to make the City a better place to ride a bike. Called the San José Better Bike Plan 2025, this new plan will help us to decide how we invest in bicycling to transform our communities into places where bicycling is a comfortable, convenient and regular activity in all neighborhoods, for people of all ages and abilities. Our last bike plan included a vision to “become a city where bicycling is safe, convenient and commonplace” and a goal to complete a 500 mile bikeway network. To date, 379 miles have been constructed.
Since adoption of Bike Plan 2020 in 2009, several major transportation improvements have been completed, are under construction, or have entered planning stages. Significant changes have also occurred in funding sources and community priorities. These major projects and policy changes create opportunities for a better biking environment in San José.
This Plan is dedicated to creating a bicycle network that is safe, comfortable, and convenient.