Project: Google
Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan – EIR Scoping Comments
S/HPNA has sent the following linked EIR scoping comments to City Hall letter to the City of San Jose regarding the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan. [Scoping Comments Letter]
S/HPNA has sent the following linked EIR scoping comments to City Hall letter to the City of San Jose regarding the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan. [Scoping Comments Letter]
The following link is a presentation of the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan Virtual Town Hall that was held on November 15, 2019.
Below is a link to the flyer that summarizes the Development Proposal Google submitted In October, 2019. [Google Flyer]
Recently S/HPNA joined a coalition of neighborhoods called DANG (Diridon Area Neighborhood Group). DANG’s sole focus is to ensure our neighborhoods that are impacted by the Google development have a seat at the table. The following link is a video Read more…
The following links are to the September 25th candidate form for City of San Jose District 6 seat and California Senate District 15. San Jose City Council District 6 Candidates CA Senate District 15 Candidates
Attached please find the comment letter from the Shasta / Hanchett Park Neighborhood Association (S/HPNA), regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed 615 Stockton Avenue Hotel Project. [Link to Letter]
At the August S/HPNA Board Meeting there was a presentation from Mercedes Benz on their autonomous vehicle program. Soon they will be starting a pilot program from Diridon Station to Santana Row. The following link will take you to the Read more…
Attached are the meeting notes from the April 16, 2019. [Meeting notes link]
San José is updating its citywide bike plan to make the City a better place to ride a bike. Called the San José Better Bike Plan 2025, this new plan will help us to decide how we invest in bicycling Read more…
S/HPNA had it’s annual meeting on February 2, 2019. If you missed it click here to see the highlights.