Project: DANG
DANG Letter To Council – Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan
Attached is the DANG letter to City Council dated April 2, 2020 expressing concerns about the community outreach process and the approval timelines. [DANG Letter to Council]
Attached is the DANG letter to City Council dated April 2, 2020 expressing concerns about the community outreach process and the approval timelines. [DANG Letter to Council]
253 Race street formerly Race St Fish & Poultry is a mixed use development. [Small set plans – 4 pages 10.6 mb] [Full set of plans – 49 pages, 64.6 mb]
The attached document is S/HPNAs response regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed 259 Meridian Avenue Residential Mixed-Use Project. [259 Meridian document]
At S/HPNA’s monthly Board of Directors meetings there is a PLUC report that goes over an extensive list of developments that impact our neighborhood. The link below is this months report. SHPNA BOD Agenda Report_PLUC.pdf
DANG needs your support to help promote responsible growth in the Google Downtown West Project. For more information and to donate you can visit the website at Or you can mail a check to:Silicon Valley Synergy/Bob StaedlerPO Box 611435San Read more…
Environmental Leadership Development Project (ELDP)Application Certification File Nos.: GP19-009, PDC19-039, and PD19-029Project Title: Downtown West Mixed-Use ProjectAPN/Location: See Description at Sponsor: Google LLC On December 30, 2019, Governor Newsom certified the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan (Google project) as an Environmental Leadership Development Read more…
S/HPNA had it’s annual meeting on February 1, 2020. If you missed it click the image below to see the highlights.
This project will be heard at the 2/11/20 City Council meeting. The project is item 10.2 and will be heard at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Linked below please find a letter from the Shasta / Hanchett Park Neighborhood Read more…
The following link is the presentation at the January S/HPNA Board of Directors meeting. [Road to 2020 Census]
The following link takes you to the BART phase II update November 2019.