The Shasta Hanchett Neighborhood Associations supports residents in 4 neighborhoods of central San Jose. Below is a map of Shasta Hanchett Park Neighborhood Association Boundaries and the for neighborhoods it covers.

Enjoy some photos from each of the neighborhoods, brief descriptions and links to find out more!
Cahill Park

Cahill Park San Jose, California, located near the St. Leo’s neighborhood of The Alameda district, immediately west of Diridon Station in Downtown San Jose.
Garden Alameda

The Garden Alameda neighborhood, includes the Alameda Park sub division, it is located from between Taylor St, Stockton Ave and the Alameda.
Shasta Hanchett Park

Shasta Hanchett Park is a historic residence park and neighborhood in the greater Rose Garden district of central San Jose, California, near Downtown San Jose and The Alameda.
St Leos

St. Leo’s is a small neighborhood of The Alameda district, in Central San Jose, California. It takes its name from the Saint Leo the Great Church, located in the center of the neighborhood.