Fair Participants
San José Clean Energy
Our City Forest
High Speed Rail
SAAG (Diridon Station Area Updates)
City of San José Code Enforcement
Rose Garden Library
San Jose Unified School District
Guadalupe River Park Conservancy
Neighborhoods Commission
Valley Transportation Authority

San José Clean Energy
Or SJCE, is your local electricity generation provider, providing residents and businesses with cleaner, affordable energy. Operated by the City of San José, SJCE is dedicated to creating a more sustainable future for our community. SJCE sources electricity for you from clean resources like solar and wind, while PG&E continues to deliver the electricity to you over its poles and wires and bill you.

SJCE developed several resource webpages to increase awareness and spur adoption of clean energy technologies. The webpages act as one-stop shops and include benefits, resources, rebates, incentives and FAQs.
• Electric Vehicles​: www.SanJoseCleanEnergy.org/EV  
• Going Solar​: www.SanJoseCleanEnergy.org/Going-Solar ​
• Backup Power Options​: www.SanJoseCleanEnergy.org/Backup-Power-Options ​
• Energy Efficiency​: www.SanJoseCleanEnergy.org/Energy-Efficiency

To help fight climate change, customers can upgrade to SJCE’s TotalGreen service for 100% renewable energy. It only costs the average home about $5 more per month. Visit www.SanJoseCleanEnergy.com/TotalGreen to upgrade today.

For more information, including to view rates, understand your bill, and see if you are eligible for electricity discount programs, visit www.SanJoseCleanEnergy.org, call 833-432-2454, email info@sanjosecleanenergy.org, read our community presentation slides, or sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter.  

Our City Forest 
“Our mission is to cultivate a healthy Silicon Valley by engaging community members in the appreciation, protection, growth, and maintenance of our urban ecosystem, especially our urban forest. We believe in the power of trees and the power of people to help turn our communities from gray to green.”

Here is a link to our website: http://www.ourcityforest.org/

I’ve attached several documents – the first is our grant with the Rotary Club of San Jose in which we are offering free trees to residents who live in districts 5, 7 & 8. The second document is a flyer to our tree-gram fundraiser, in which residents may donate to OCF and we will plant a tree or shrub in honor of their beloved one at our parcel at Martial Cottle Park. Residents who participate in our tree-gram fundraiser will also receive a tree-gram that consists of heart-shaped biodegradable seed paper and a cute tree pun, all of which will be delivered to the residents’ properties on February 14th. The final document is a flyer that shares our volunteer opportunities. We will be placing households into pods so that our community can volunteer with us safely. 

If you have any questions about any of our programs, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Kindly, Erin Schulhofer, Outreach Coordinator

High Speed Rail
Following links for more information:
• 5K Workers
• 2020-2022 Progress Status Maps
• Dec 2020 construction update
• Factsheet – Connecting California
• JM Draft EIREIS Fact Sheet
• Sustainability Handout Facts 2020

Diridon Station Area Updates
The City of San José is preparing to take Google’s proposed development project (Downtown West) through the public hearing process this spring, along with City-initiated amendments to the Diridon Station Area Plan and a Diridon Affordable Housing Implementation Plan. These plans build upon years of community input and aim to transform the station area into a more walkable, active place – bringing new amenities and opportunities to residents.

For background information and upcoming engagement opportunities, please visit: https://www.diridonsj.org/diridon-station-area-plan-google-project. To view the draft plans and watch recorded presentations about these projects, check out these resources:

Google’s Downtown West project
Draft Amended DSAP
Draft Diridon Affordable Housing Implementation Plan
City Council Study Session

Please contact Lori at lori.severino@sanjoseca.gov with any questions or comments about these projects or the engagement process.

City of San José Code Enforcement
We work in partnership with the people of San José to promote and maintain a safe, desirable living and working environment. This work happens in these three ways:

  • We administer a fair, unbiased enforcement program to correct violations of municipal codes and land use requirements.
  • We work with residents, neighborhood associations, public service agencies, and other City of San José departments to:
    • Empower community self-help programs.
    • Develop public outreach programs.
    • Establish community priorities for the enforcement program.
  • We initiate special programs targeted toward specific problems in our community.

Link to our webpage: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments/planning-building-code-enforcement/code-enforcement

For an overview of services, please see our Code Enforcement Services Brochure. See more Code Enforcement brochures that detail our services and programs.

Contact Us:
Code Enforcement
200 E. Santa Clara St. 4th Floor
San José, CA 95113
For Questions: CodeEnforcementInformation@sanjoseca.gov

Rose Garden Library
Members of the public can checkout a free wi-fi hotspot out for 90 days with one 30-day automatic renewal https://www.sjpl.org/hotspot

A San Jose Public Library card and this link can be used to place a wi-fi hotspot on hold. https://sjpl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/6040411156

San Jose Unified School District
San José Unified remains focused on community health and safety, providing the best possible distance learning experience for our students, and preparing for in-person learning for some students. www.sjusd.org

Guadalupe River Park Conservancy
The Guadalupe River Park Conservancy provides community leadership for the development and active use of the Guadalupe River Park & Gardens. We approach this through education, advocacy, stewardship, community engagement, and park development. Positioned at the intersection of community, place, and nature, we envision our neighborhoods uplifted by parks. Our mission and impact depends on the ongoing support of our volunteers, members, and neighbors; and we invite you to learn more and connect with us!

Neighborhoods Commission
The Neighborhoods Commission advises the City Council regarding San José neighborhoods. The commission shall have the following functions, powers, and duties:

  • Study, review, and evaluate and make recommendations to the City Council regarding issues, policies, and programs affecting the quality of life in San José neighborhoods focusing on neighborhood safety, transportation, and code enforcement.
  • Advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding annual budget priorities.

The Neighborhoods Commission was created as a pilot in April 2008. On August 27, 2013, the City Council adopted an ordinance chartering the Neighborhoods Commission.

Click on the link below for additional information

Jim Carter, District 6 Neighborhoods Commissioner

Valley Transportation Authority Brochure